
I researched both sides of this topic. It gave me a better insight on how people felt about illegal immigration and what their biggest concerns were regarding it.


Illegal immigration is a controversial topic in the United States. There are many great debates as to whether immigration should be illegal or not. Although some may not agree, illegal immigration is actually beneficial to the country.  Many people might not know this, but illegal immigrants are good for the economy. Not only that, but they also have good values and they pay their taxes.                                                                                                                                 Illegal immigrants are always eager to take any jobs that they can find. They take jobs that American citizens don’t even want. Jobs like cleaning, farming or construction. According to Ed Krayewski of, he thinks that illegal immigrants help Americans afford cheaper food, and services. He is completely right. Immigrants are yearning to make any type of business so they can make a living, which is why they end up making things at a discounted price. In the long run this helps Americans save more money and be able to spend it on things that we would enjoy, like vacations. If illegal immigrants were legalized they would help the economy create more jobs. Legalizing them would give them the chance to be able to start their own businesses and hire tons of people. One thing that most people might not think about is the amounts of money illegal immigrants bring into the economy. According to border patrol agents, there are about 20 million illegal immigrants living in the states. If you calculate how much they all spend in a year, it would be billions. So they’re improving the economy’s revenue.                                                                                                                                          Something that illegal immigrants have that most people do not, is good values. Illegal immigrants have many things to prove, especially since they are frowned upon. People will look for any excuse to say why they don’t belong in America. So that is why immigrants are going to be a lot more hardworking and a lot more ambitious than the average person. That is also because it is more of a struggle for them to make a living than it would be for an American citizen. Immigrants come into this country to have the American dream, and to work for what they want. They know it is not going to be easy, but they are not the type of people to give up. They will take what they can get and make the best of it. Americans can even take a few pointers from them.                                                                                                                                                                          Illegal immigrants pretty much do what American citizens do, they work and pay taxes. Paying taxes is very important in America; it is how the country makes money. Some might think that immigrants are making it worse for the country and making Americans lose money, but that is not the case, they are actually improving the country’s wealth. Every single time they go out and buy something, they pay tax. So what exactly are they doing differently from Americans? The answer is nothing, so they should at least have the same rights as Americans, and be able to become citizens.                                                                                                                                          Immigrants should not be granted amnesty, but should definitely have a path to citizenship. There should be a few hoops to jump through to become a citizen. We do not want to give the impression that it is easy, and that just anybody can become one. Even the president of the United States Barack Obama has the same point of view. He is pushing for an immigration reform bill to be passed. According to a poll done by CBS news, it found out that the public supports the immigration reform. If majority of American citizens do not mind having illegal immigrants become citizens, then what is the problem? Immigrants are improving our economy, their bringing in more revenue. They have great values and remind us what it is like to be ambitious. They also pay taxes! That seems to be the number one concern on most people’s minds. Immigrants are hard workers. People need to be reminded that they came here with nothing, and had to make a living. They are hardworking people looking for a chance to have a better life; no one should get in the way of that.

Work citied
Staff, CNN, Deirdre Walsh, Kevin Bohn, and Bryan Koenig. "Obama Puts Immigration Back in Spotlight." CNN. Cable News Network, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013

Krayewski, Ed. "5 Reasons to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants." Reason, 7 Feb.   2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.

Dinan, Stephen. "Nearly 20 Million Illegal Immigrants in U.S., Former Border Patrol Agents Say." The Washington Times. The Washington Times, LLC, 9 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

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